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What is
slat mill?

A slat mill is a non-motorised, dog powered 'treadmill'.

K9 slat mills are hand built in Australia from super durable materials, and are designed with hydraulic support to ensure a comfortable and safe run. The slat mills feature adjustable walls, top brace, inclines, and lead positioning; suitable for every dog’s unique size and needs.


I have a treadmill for myself at home - can I just use that?

No! Human treadmills are not designed for dog's bodies or movement, and could cause injury. Our slat mills are built specifically for canine use and are non-motorised, so when the dog stops, the slat mill stops. Slats are soft on paws, enclosed walls ensure no sideways detours, and harnesses keep dogs on track.

I have a big backyard, and we go for walks - that's enough, right?

Most fit and healthy dogs can run at 15-30km/hour, and their regular walking pace is generally much faster than ours. For optimum health, good cardiovascular fitness and meaningful energy burning, most dogs will need to run, or at least jog at their own pace. Even a large backyard is not even for an extended run, and the stopping and starting after chasing a ball is quite damaging to the knee joints. A walk at human speed is not very straining for most dogs. Slat mills offer a rare opportunity for your dog to hit full pace without worrying about fences, roads, leads - or their human keeping up.

Is K9 Fitness Centre only for large dogs, or very fit dogs?

Not at all!

All dogs above a weight of 4kg should be able to operate the slat mills. We have many small dogs who love a slat mill run. The slat mills are used to burn energy and build fitness, so are great for treating weight problems or in rehabilitation after some injuries. Being able to exercise in an air-conditioned space with trained staff is much safer and healthier too for older dogs or any dogs with health or fitness concerns.

Can K9 Fitness Centre replace walking my dog?

Slat mills provide a different kind of exercise and stimulation than your dog would get on a neighbourhood sniff walk or park play. Regular walks are still important for sensory stimulation and gentle movement, but using the slat mills require some focus and concentration which stimulates dogs and gives them a challenge.


How long should my dog run?

It depends! All dogs are different; some might want to really run, while other will enjoy a slower pace. Things like fitness, personality, recent injuries or physical limitations,  and even your dog's mood will affect how far and fast they want to go.

15 -20  minutes will give most dogs enough time to get a great physical and mental work-out without being over exerted, however some dogs may enjoy to go for longer than this, its totally up to them.


How often should we use the slat mills?

This depends on your aims and requirements. Weekly sessions can be enough to see physical and mental health benefits. Three to four times a week could result in dramatic behavioural and fitness improvements. And one-off sessions are great for when it's too hot or wet to walk, or they just need to burn some extra energy.


What else can slat mills be used for?

As well as fitness benefits, a run on the slat mills also leaves you with a much more relaxed, calm and happy dog.

Regular use can result in long-term behavioural improvement, but slat mills can also be used as a quick zoomie before dogs need to be calm - maybe before a vet appointment or evening with the dog sitter, or a night or day home alone.


Still got questions?

Give our friendly K9 team a call on

0416 750 253

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